The importance of video at speaking engagements, conferences and events

video, event videos, business presentation, conference video, seminar video recording image
What’s said in the room stays in the room …. so is lost forever … unless you have it videoed!

Videos are an integral part of events-based collateral and marketing

Organising or speaking at an event requires substantial investment in terms of time, effort and/or money. Therefore, it’s so important to make a video to leverage it as much as possible.

Is your event a speaking engagement, conference, seminar, presentation or larger industry-type event? It’s totally worth creating a video to both preserve and leverage the event and its content for the future.



The benefits of an event-based video

Creating a video of your speaking engagement, conference or other event provides you with a powerful content piece. It can be leveraged in a myriad of ways to achieve exposure and reach for your business.

Listed below are just some of the ways you can repurpose, re-use, share and leverage an event-based video:

It’s apparent that there are many ways to leverage an event-based video that helps to achieve better exposure for your business. But in order to do this the video itself must have top quality audio, visuals and branding. In this situation it truly is a case of professional is best.

When professional is best

Creating a professional video of your event is a worthwhile investment. Not only will it deliver the benefits listed above but it will also showcase your business in a way that enhances the value of the original event tenfold, as it will reach a far wider audience over a longer period of time.

Plus, when it comes to event videos, there are many factors that need consideration. Acquiring quality raw footage is a must; so effective planning is essential to make sure the recording on the date of the event runs smoothly. From planning camera placement, to audio and lighting through to the event program, venue layout and set-up time, everything must be organised meticulously and in advance of the event itself.

So whilst a professional videographer may be perceived as an additional cost, it should really be seen as an investment. After all, it’s like the difference between a professional photo or a selfie on the phone. Which image would you like to represent your business?

Let’s take a look!

Below are some ideal reel (get it?) examples of event-based videos:

And here are some more you can check out!

In the meantime, we hope to see you through our lens soon!

Paul @ PaulsProductions
04 3939 1033