Ironbark Rock Band promo video

Ironbark Rock Band promo video –  the rock band, Ironbark, performed a number of their many cover songs.  The recording by and Pauls Productions used multiple video cameras & audio sources. The pieces from each song were chosen by the band and the resulting medley carefully woven together by Pauls Productions thereby producing this engaging […]

KYO Concert Highlights

Kuringai Youth Orchestra performed 3 items on 11/4/13. Video by Pauls Productions using 5 cameras & multiple sound sources. This highlights sampler gives you a snapshot of what it is like.

STORM 30th Anniversary Tour Highlights Reel

STORM plays Classic Rock & has been around for over 30 years, now back on stage. This compilation was recorded live in February 2012 in Sydney, Australia. Recorded, edited & produced by Pauls Productions using 3 cameras.

Bands and Concerts Promo Show Reel Video

Bands, Concerts, Performances Video Productions Pauls Productions has great experience in recording Bands and Concerts Video. You have options from using just a single camera for basic cover, or up to 4 or 5 to get the best angles and coverage of your performance using high quality HD and 4K video cameras. We are experienced […]